
Friday, February 24, 2012

Houston Photo Shoot

Wow!  What an incredible month it has been!  The book fair with Barnes and Noble for Book Worm Angels was a huge success!  I was so excited to learn that one of my sister queens in the south is trying to set up the same kind of drive in her own home state!  That is so exciting!  It reminds me of "pay it forward" and I am so happy to learn that it will be paid forward in other parts of the country.  None of this would have been possible without NAM!

Last weekend, I was lucky enough to get to go to Houston, Texas for a NAM photo shoot.  I had such a blast hanging out with my National sister queens and getting to know each of them better.  I cannot wait to see them at the pageants this summer.  Every one of the girls is amazing ...... I really liked listening to Shereen sing while we were getting our hair and makeup done and playing hide and go seek with Bernice, Joey, and Kylan and trying on (stealing :) ) all of the high heels! Mrs. Mayes, Miss LaKashia, Miss Dawn Lee and all the NAM staff made it an awesome weekend - thank you! I have a million memories from the weekend and was so sad to see it end.  I miss you all!

We are in the process of getting another event together for Book Worm Angels.  So if you missed the last drive, there is still time to participate! I will have more info coming on the next event.

Check out the pictures from the photo shoot!  And if you get a chance, watch the video of the top 5 awards at Nationals.  I think it is fun to watch because I hardly remember that night! (I got the idea to upload it to youtube from my awesome miss, Amanda!  Thanks for the idea, Amanda!

Thank you for all of your support....

National American Miss Jr. Pre-Teen 2011-2012

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